I knew before coming to Buenos Aires I would love it. Kind of like when I finally made it to Paris, it was everything I had hoped and more! (Paris was my dream place to go since I was five years old.)
I have never been here before, I didn't know anyone here before coming, and I had no solid plans other than a room booked through Air BnB for a week.
My preferred way to travel is with loose plans. To have just enough figured out so you're not stranded on the side of the street at 3am. Sometimes this can lead to a bit of panic or over paying, but in my experience, it is usually worth the amazing adventures. Here's a few pictures from my past couple of weeks in the city I'm currently calling home.
As of right now, my plan is to stay in BsAs until mid May, when a few friends will come and visit. We will travel through Argentina, Chile and Bolivia for 3 weeks and then they will go home and I will head off to a new destination. Right now I'm thinking Peru or Colombia. No solid plans, just the desire to explore this amazing continent driving me.
So glad you're loving my adopted city!!! Awesome pics! <3